Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Interesting user comments

You have entered 114,306 Bills worth $309,936
Bills with hits: 8,391 Total hits: 9,522
Hit rate: 7.34% Slugging Percentage: 8.33% (total hits/total bills)
George Score: 1,257.42
Your rank (based on George Score) is #218
(out of 52,519 current users with a George Score. [99.6 Percentile])
Your State Rank in Florida is: 19 out of 7,845 [99.8]
Your initial entries with hits have traveled a total of 4,488,478 miles.
They have averaged 478.3 miles per hit and 193.99 days between each hit.

It looks like it’s time to post some bill reports. The first is one of those comments that I’d love to see the bill. Sometimes, if I get a little of the red ink on my finger, I may get some of it on the bills if I touch them. I wonder if that’s the ‘blood stain’ that the comment refers to. It could also be that they’ve got an strange sense of humor. It’s still an interesting comment.

This one I speaks for itself. For those that don’t know, check out the Scarlett’s web site.

This one, I’m wondering if they still have it. They actually held on to it and then entered it? Why?

In the Poor Concept of Time category is this bill. They hadn’t used the shorts in six months, but it’s only 80 days between entries. Maybe someone slipped it in their pocket.

Who is Mr. Yuck?

This is another one I can’t figure out. Is the New York?

Those are the more interesting ones I’ve gotten recently. I’ll post more as I get them.

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