Saturday, May 23, 2009

You have entered 79,017 Bills worth $231,717
Bills with hits: 6,541 Total hits: 7,441
Hit rate: 8.28% Slugging Percentage: 9.42% (total hits/total bills)
George Score: 1,227.31
Your rank (based on George Score) is #285
(out of 52,646 current users with a George Score. [99.5 Percentile])
Your State Rank in Florida is: 20 out of 7,617 [99.7]
Your initial entries with hits have traveled a total of 3,438,086 miles.
They have averaged 470.1 miles per hit and 184.57 days between each hit.

I haven’t been writing here a lot lately mostly because I’ve been busy closing the store. We had to make a final deposit, which wasn’t big per se, but I brought in some twenties to swap out for the coins and small bills. I did this mostly as a security precaution. Two of us had to take the deposit over and I didn’t want the person taking the deposit over to have to walk in with a ton of change. Even though we did it at the night depository, someone would have to count all of those coins.

I also wanted to get the small bills, which I noted were the last that the registers saw. If you hit one of my bills, you may see a user note referencing Wolf 1390. That’s one of the bills that I entered. The store closed a few days ago, but I didn’t get around to entering the bills until this morning. I had been going in early and getting home very late, so I didn’t have much time to enter them. The funny thing is that the next time I refreshed, I ended up with exactly 79,000 bills entered. (I’ve entered a few bills since, so it won’t reflect in the stats at the top of the page.)

I also got a hit with a user note referencing Belmont Park. I have a lot from Gulfstream Park in Hallandale, mostly because I spend so many there. With a little work, I could have a thing going with all the major race tracks.

I’ve uploaded the pictures that I mentioned a few posts ago. I may post them one at a time or I may just link to them. It’s not easy posting links directly from Flickr, so I may not post my stats if I do it that way. (What I may do in that case is to make a normal post and do a picture post directly after.)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

this is Brian Kuhl form boise idaho this is the first time that I have seen anyone with the same name....