Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sick Day

You have entered 73,959 Bills worth $217,990
Bills with hits: 5,983 Total hits: 6,799
Hit rate: 8.09% Slugging Percentage: 9.19% (total hits/total bills)
George Score: 1,217.30
Your rank (based on George Score) is #324
(out of 51,753 current users with a George Score. [99.4 Percentile])
Your State Rank in Florida is: 21 out of 7,505 [99.7]
Your initial entries with hits have traveled a total of 3,071,730 miles.
They have averaged 459.5 miles per hit and 178.21 days between each hit.

I have 1,781 bills entered so far this month. I have a few large bills to break, but with the month ending so soon, it looks like most of the bills I’ve entered this month will be in Las Vegas. The bronchitis has really kept me indoors.

I had taken a few sick days before going and am taking one today. I’m not really in any condition to go to the bank and get change. Tomorrow or Saturday, I may go over to the bank or to the casino. (I haven’t been to the casino since getting back from my trip.)

The hits from Las Vegas seem to be waning. I haven’t seen any in the past day or two, but I did get one in Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. I don’t get many foreign hits, but my proximity to the Caribbean means that many of my foreign hits will be there. (The single most hit foreign country is Canada with 20 with the Bahamas rank second with 16.)

That’s all for now. At least one good thing came about from being sick: I can catch up on my writing. I may even post a few reviews on Epinions.

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