Sunday, October 28, 2007


You have entered 29,248 Bills worth $80,349
Bills with hits: 2,149 Total hits: 2,404
Hit rate: 7.35% Slugging Percentage: 8.22% (total hits/total bills)
George Score: 1,099.21
Your rank (based on George Score) is #754
(out of 52,164 current users with a George Score. [98.6 Percentile])
Your State Rank in Florida is: 37 out of 6,390 [99.4]

I went to IKEA yesterday and had a chance to let my bills see the inside of one of their registers in two cities. (The other time was when I was out in in the Phoenix area.) Here’s the thing. I made the mistake of using $2 bills. When I went to the snack counter to get lunch, I didn’t see where the cashier put them, although she was caught off guard.

When I made it to the checkout counter to buy the items that I wanted, I again used twos. This time, I noticed that she put them under the tray. My parents were there, ahead of me in line, and I had people behind me. Once again, I found myself wanting to ask the cashier why, but didn’t want to hold people up.

It may simply be a matter of time. Places like McDonald’s seem to be a little more tolerant. This could be me wearing them down or simply wishful thinking. Either way, it was just one time that I noticed. I don’t know if IKEA or any place else has an actual policy against twos. I think it’s just some sort of collectively unconscious effort.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share.

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