Thursday, August 30, 2007

You have entered 24,169 Bills worth $65,439
Bills with hits: 1,793 Total hits: 2,008
Hit rate: 7.42% Slugging Percentage: 8.31% (total hits/total bills)
George Score: 1,078.23
Your rank (based on George Score) is #854
(out of 52,225 current users with a George Score. [98.4 Percentile])
Your State Rank in Florida is: 43 out of 6,234 [99.3]

I seem to be slipping in the rankings. I hit 39 a while back, but I’m back to 43. My slugging percentage seems to be going up, though. I don’t know if it’s the new stamp or the fact that I haven’t really been entering as many bills as of late. Part of it is that I’ve been entering more fives. The trip made it hard to find bills to enter, mostly because I was more concerned on spending.

I got a new state with a hit in Overland Park, Kansas. This leaves me with just Alaska, Idaho, Montana and North Dakota for fifty-state bingo. (As one might imagine, that’s where you have all fifty states.) I’ve been getting a few new counties lately, but it’s becoming increasingly rare that they are in new states, as well.The first dozen or so are pretty easy. (Your first hit is guaranteed to be in a state that you didn’t have before.) Once you get to the last five or ten, new states are rarer and rarer. The last one has a reputation for being nearly impossible, yet people do it.

This hit worries me a little. The person brought it back to Miami from Newark? I’m thinking it’s a false hit. I have to report it and see if this is the case. However, what are the odds that the person also happens to live in Miami? Either way, it’s a little odd. (Note: If you see that the second hit is someplace other than Miami, it means that it was a false hit and that the problem has been corrected.)

That’s all I can really think of for now. I wish I had more to put in.

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